Hammerspoon Menu Bar Clock

While I was traveling recently I thought it would be useful to keep a second clock in the menu bar set to my home timezone. Hammerspoon seemed like it should be able to handle this, so after a bit of tinkering is what I ended up with:

Menubar Clocks

It’s not perfect, but calculating the nextMinute at startup helps to keep the clocks fairly accurate by trying to get the menu to update as close as possible to the start of each minute. Calling the spoon’s new() method returns a separate instance, making it easy to add several clocks.

To add them to Hammerspoon just update init.lua:

local MenuClock = hs.loadSpoon("MenuClock")
MenuClock:new('🥝', 13):start()
MenuClock:new('🏔️', -7):start()
MenuClock:new('🇬🇧', 0):start()

You can also adjust the time format for the each clock in case you want to show 24h time, or just the hour.

uk = MenuClock:new("🇬🇧", 0)
uk.time_format = "%I%p"

The full code for the spoon is available on GitHub.

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